It's one o’clock in the afternoon, and the political pundits have already started weighing in on the outcome of the Harris vs Trump debate tonight. Meanwhile, I’m on the edge of my seat, hoping for not just a good performance from VP Harris, but a truly remarkable one! I believe she has what it takes to make a strong impression filling in the blanks for those who say they still don’t know what she stands for.
This morning, my sister, who is married to a Trump supporter, shared an intriguing article with me. It's a polling prediction by historian Allan Lichtman who has correctly forecasted 9 out of the last 10 presidential elections. Click here and check it out: Allan Lichtman’s 2024 Election Prediction. I’m optimistic about it! Yes, Harris wins; now find out why Lichtman thinks so.
But I digress, back to my sister, in light of her hubby’s MAGA stance, I suggested she might consider watching the debate from another room—or even better, at our other sister’s house—to steer clear of the negativity from her husband's preferred Faux News coverage. It’s important that she doesn’t let that dampen her chance to embrace the hope and positivity that VP Harris and Gov Walz bring to our country. Let’s stay hopeful and look forward to a bright and promising outcome and that the Harris/Walz ticket soundly prevails on November 5th. Here’s to Kamala and all the Dems running for office!
*Save the Date! – FCDP is excited to host the Braver Angels’ "Skills for Disagreeing Better” workshop on Thursday, September 26, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Randolph Recreation Center, 653 E Pearl St, La Grange.
Are you interested in improving your conversations with those you often disagree with politically? Do you wish for more meaningful dialogues with family members and friends who hold different political views?
Join us for a 2-hour workshop led by our own Connie Shortes, along with her Braver Angel Republican colleague from Austin. They will provide valuable insights and practical tips on how to find common ground and engage in more constructive discussions. We kindly ask that you RSVP as we would like to be certain we have at least 20 participants. So please send an email to Annette Holdeman at or call me at 812-391-6518. We look forward to seeing you there! Also, FYI: Braver Angels’ Library Resources for you:
*Democratic Neighbors Luncheon – Majek’s Winery – let’s do it again on 9/26! We're thrilled to announce that our next Democratic Neighbors Luncheon will be held at the charming Majek’s Winery, located at 12508 FM 957, Schulenburg on Thursday, Sept 26, at noon. We enjoyed our last visit there so much that we just had to return for another fun gathering!
The food ordering will be a little different this time. To streamline the ordering process and help Majek’s Winery better prepare, as they are a small restaurant, the owner has asked that we place our orders in advance (the owner mentioned that last time she felt that the kitchen struggled to keep up with orders for 24 people).
Have a look at the Menu options below (wine list not posted) and make your order by emailing me, Annette Holdeman, at by Monday, September 16th. Payment will be collected on the day of the event. Or you can call me at 812-391-6518 if that works better for you. We look forward to another wonderful luncheon with you! Also, if you need a ride down to the winery we can car pool from the La Grange, Walmart parking lot, at let’s say 11:15, so you don’t miss the fun! I’m ready to take your order !!
Kamala/Walz, one side, and Colin Allred, on the other - $10 each and 4’x6’ signs for each - $20. Email us at: or call the FCDP number and leave a message: 979-484-7925.
WE will deliver !! What a deal!
*FCDP Fair Booth continues to be an all-around success! For those who volunteered to help construct, decorate, and tend the booth from Thursday through Sunday evening, kudos to all, your efforts were/are enormously appreciated!
Now let me embarrass them all (heehee) by mentioning their names: Paritosho Banik, Mary Wolf, Patty Reid, Jaci & Doug Elliott, Pat Johnson, Amy Nini, Helen Kovar, Kathleen Bolton-McShane, Connie Shortes, Karen Bookout, Kathy Carter, Laura Logan, Verlia Mosley-Rhodes, Rebecca Hegar, Karen Derr, Jane Smith, Judy Balch, Kirk Pate, and Matt Holdeman for his moral support and patience with me all week long. We love our volunteers!
ONGOING FCDP ACTIVITIES - Want to help? Email us at: or call the FCDP number and leave a message: 979-484-7925
*On the Voter Registration front, we are conducting events at local High Schools to register eligible voters from the Junior and Senior classes. Know anyone who has recently moved and may not have changed their Voter Registration address? Send them to our Voter Registration table at the La Grange Farmer’s Market to Register to Vote each Saturday morning, from 8 am to noon, until Oct 5th.
*Voter Canvassing to Begin Soon: (Door Knocking and Literature Drop) Want to help but don’t know how? Nervous about what to say or do? No worries! Talking Points and Scripts will be provided beforehand to guide you along with a Training Session, and remember that we visit folks in pairs. By the way, the addresses we will be visiting are known Strong & Leaning Democrats. Watch for more information about dates and times in future FCDP Mailings.
*More Election Clerks Needed: Please, please, we would love to have more Election Clerks who could work just a half a day from 7am to 1pm or from 1pm to 7pm for the General Election on November 5th. “Many hands make for light work” so please consider working a reduced Election Clerk shift and contact Mary Wolf, FCDP County Chair. Call 979-484-7925 and leave a message.
*FCDP hosted a Virtual Phone Bank Training in August at the Fayette Co Library with the idea to then gather as small groups to continue to make calls to Leaning and Strong Democrats to determine partisanship, to follow up with people who want to Vote by Mail, and encourage all to make a plan to vote for Dems up and down the Ballot. Phoning will be an important tool for reaching out to Democrats who don’t reside in town. We will visit townies during our Door Knocking activities.
*FCDP Texting Campaigns Our ongoing texting campaigns have: sent out MAGA Project 2025 Awareness Warning Texts; rallied support for the Fair Booth; called out for Volunteer sign-ups; encouraged fundraising for the FCDP; and will continue to be used to advertise about upcoming FCDP activities and events. Many of you responded to offer to volunteer and we are grateful for that!
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Sigue la lucha y hasta luego! - Annette
Annette, you are such an amazing person. You contribute so much to our party and to each of us.! Thank you for all the many things you do. I love the newsletter!
Fantastic newsletter! Hope to join you on the 26th.