As the dust settles from the 2024 elections, it is with heavy hearts that we reflect on the results and the path our country has taken. The outcome has left many of us feeling shock, sadness, and even fear for the future.
So we grieve, mend our spirits, and rebuild as we reaffirm our commitment to the principles that have always guided us. I’d like to take a moment to share some core beliefs that define what it means to be a Democrat, as outlined by Dems101.org. I often return to these statements when I feel disheartened, and I hope you find them just as inspiring.
It’s the third Thursday again ! DEMOCRATIC NEIGHBORS LUNCHEON
Join us this Thursday, 11/21, 11:30 am at our usual monthly luncheon meeting spot, La Marina Mexican Restaurant, 1502 St Hwy 71, La Grange. Let’s hangout, regain our focus, and seriously consider investing in stress balls for the next few months!
Sadly, we must say a big thank you to Kirk Pate as he retires from active service as an organizer within the Fayette County Democratic Party. Over the years, Kirk has been an invaluable part of our team, giving his time, energy, and expertise to help advance the values we all hold dear. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors.
Our deepest gratitude also goes out to each and every one of our volunteers, who have generously donated their time, their energy, and their resources to our cause.
You volunteered countless hours to: prospective Democratic candidate searches / phone banking / knocked on doors / attended rallies / passed out candy to Halloween kids on the LG Square / attended and helped with the monthly Luncheons / decorated, drove & rode our FCDP floats / participated in American Cancer Relay for Life in La Grange / registered voters / put up & staffed the Democrat’s Fair Booth / attended & spoke at School Board Meetings against book banning / wrote Letters to the Editor / participated in Juneteenth celebrations / took orders and delivered campaign signs county-wide / and will again participate in the Schmeckenfest Wassail Contest (to be held Thursday, Dec 5th, 5-8pm, La Grange).
And to our wonderful Election workers, thanks to all the Democratic Party Election Judges, Clerks, and Central Count staff who assiduously worked those very long and sometimes stressful hours to insure fair and free elections. You all served to spread the message of freedom, justice, and opportunity by your actions. Your commitment is deeply appreciated for all you’ve done. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!
Now, on to those of you who contributed financially—whether it was a one-time donation or by your ongoing support—you’ve helped fuel the engine of this movement in this at times challenging county environment. YOUR SUPPORT HAS BEEN ESSSENTIAL, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!
And thanks as well to all of the Fayette County Democrat Party officers who gave much of their time to organize our efforts toward democracy in Fayette County - you know who you are! A special shout out to Mary Wolf, our County Chair, for stepping up to lead us!
While we may not have won every battle, together we’ve made our voices heard here in Fayette County and have helped lay the groundwork for the important tasks that lie ahead. The fight is far from over. Let’s turn Texas Blue!
Contributed by Matt Holdeman
I know that many of us are feeling like we want to bury our heads in the sand, turn off the news, and lock the doors. I feel the same. We are hearing a lot of insanity from the incoming administration and with them controlling all 3 branches of government (I am including the Supreme Court here), it feels like there is little that we can do.
But is there something to focus on? To actively support at this time? It may sound a long time in the future but we get a chance to cut Trump’s power in 2026. How do we accomplish this? We take away the House and Senate!
Right now, it looks like the House will end up 220 to 217 giving the pseudo-Republicans only a 2 vote margin. And with Trump pulling House members for his administration, this may get even tighter, at least for a while. This all means that we have a chance to turn this around in 2 years. Remember, Representatives only have 2 year terms, so they are all on the ballot in 2026!
On the Senate side, it looks like the pseudo-Republicans will have a 53 to 47 majority (Come on Bob Casey! Cut this to 52-48!). But 33 of the Senators are on the ballot in 2026 - including our own Texas Senator, John Cornyn!
So, with all of this, what can we do? Especially here in deep red central Texas?
Keep your head up and stay healthy and sane. Exercise, meditate, meet up with like minded friends, etc., - whatever keeps you going!
Join a local charitable organization and give back to your community.
Look for a cause to support. Maybe there is a close House race where your son or daughter lives where you can make a donation. Or you could plan to go help out that Democrat candidate in 2026 (hopefully you have a place to stay while you are there!).
Donate to the DNC, DCCC (House), DSCC (Senate), or local Democrat Party.
Find an organization to join or support that is fighting for democracy.
Regardless, the next 2 years are not the time to hide from politics, however much we may want to. We only have 2 years to get the leaders in place to put the brakes on Trump’s dangerous dismantling of our democracy and elimination of our rights.
Once again folks, the fight is far from over!
It’s SCHMECKENFEST time! - Thursday, 12/5, from 5-8pm our booth will be in front of Celebrations on the LaGrange Square. Come, sip, savor, and then “VOTE for the FCDP Wassail” recipe. We had high marks for our “high test” Wassail concoction last year and believe we absolutely can win this year’s upcoming competition, but need your votes. Just imagine for a moment, how sweet it would be for Democrats to win something in Fayette Co! So come on Dems, like Obama says, “Ya gotta show up!” QR Codes may be used again this year to register your vote, so study up on how to do that. It’s a blast!
CHLOE’S COATS FOR KIDS Annual Charity Event - New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church sponsors this important project to help provide new and gently used coats or cash donations to buy coats for needy kids in the area. Please open your purses and wallets to make a kind donation by calling 979-702-9441.
In the spirit of Kamala’s words “We Won’t Go Back”, a Women’s March is set to take place on 1/18/2025 in DC and all over the country - just prior to Trump’s Inauguration on 1/20/2025. We’ll be following local plans for joining the protest march along with our neighboring counties, so stay tuned.
TREASURER NEEDED - tracks income & expenses, pays bills, reports to the County Executive Committee monthly and Texas Democratic Party.
PRECINCT CHAIRS NEEDED - for the following precincts: Plum, Cistern, Flatonia, Schulenburg, and Ammannsville. If you live in these precincts and would like to serve, we would like to talk with you.
Contact Mary Wolf at FCDP 979-484-7925 or fayettetxdemocrats@gmail.com
Thanks for reading the Fayette County Texas Democratic Party Newsletter! Don’t forget to subscribe below to stay updated.
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and email us at: fayettetxdemocrats@gmail.com
Sigue la lucha y hasta luego! - Annette
Annette, you published another great newsletter. I appreciate your endless support to me and FCDP.
Special thanks to Matt for his contributing piece this month. It’s a pep talk that is much needed!
Agree thanks for the updates and the pep talks and thank you Kirk for all your hard work. I've taken a couple of weeks off for my mental health but I'm ready to get back at it. As Kirk says, RESIST.